All New Builds should be accessible
I spent time in a wheelchair unable to walk and was brought out to dinner to try and cheer me up after my first few days of rehab. We went to a new plaza who didn’t do a final paving of the parking lot and we couldn’t safely get me and my wheelchair over the ledge. I had to cling onto a post while my partner moved the wheel chair onto the sidewalk so we can proceed inside. The struggle, embarrassment … it did a number on my mental health… I Understand that roads aren’t taken over and construction is still occurring but if the city allows occupants (homes / business) and sidewalks are built then there shouldn’t be gaps / ledges or any obstacles at crosswalks or in parking lots. We should be allowed to access our community mailboxes, parks, stores etc. and shouldn’t have to wait years (it’s been 9 years and counting in my “new” 2014 neighbourhood) before the roads are assumed and these issues corrected.
Consultation has concluded