Funding our future through new and innovative revenue initiatives

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Vaughan is committed to maintaining one of the lowest property tax rates in the GTA – this involves finding innovative financial solutions that ease the burden on taxpayers.

Some of the critical initiatives aimed at generating additional non-tax revenue include grants, advertising, sponsorships and donations. These are designed to support public services and programs without drawing from your hard-earned tax dollars.

Get involved!

Engagement on this study is currently closed.

Throughout October, the City hosted five drop-in Open Houses across Vaughan to share information about non-tax revenue initiatives – including some proposed new digital billboards – and hear your thoughts. Community members were also invited to submit a question and receive an answer from the project team.

Want to learn more about what we heard? Read the engagement report online (PDF).

The City of Vaughan is committed to maintaining one of the lowest property tax rates in the GTA – this involves finding innovative financial solutions that ease the burden on taxpayers.

Some of the critical initiatives aimed at generating additional non-tax revenue include grants, advertising, sponsorships and donations. These are designed to support public services and programs without drawing from your hard-earned tax dollars.

Get involved!

Engagement on this study is currently closed.

Throughout October, the City hosted five drop-in Open Houses across Vaughan to share information about non-tax revenue initiatives – including some proposed new digital billboards – and hear your thoughts. Community members were also invited to submit a question and receive an answer from the project team.

Want to learn more about what we heard? Read the engagement report online (PDF).

Consultation has concluded

Funding our future through new and innovative revenue initiatives

Some of the critical initiatives aimed at generating additional non-tax revenue include grants, advertising, sponsorships and donations. These are designed to support public services and programs without drawing from your hard-earned tax dollars. 

Digital billboards

Digital billboards are one of the many ways Vaughan collects non-tax advertising revenue. Vaughan was one of the first municipalities in Canada to establish a revenue-share model with a private digital billboard sign company to significantly increase non-tax revenue while expanding the City’s communication network.

Under this innovative partnership, which was awarded through a competitive bid process, small parcels of City-owned land are leased to the sign vendor to design, finance, build, operate and maintain digital billboards — at zero cost to the City.

Three digital billboards are currently in operation and are expected to generate $6 million for the City over 15 years.

The City is exploring four new potential sites for digital billboards pending public consultation, including at Maple Reservoir Park (PDF) (Keele Street and Teston Road), Al Palladini Community Centre (PDF) (Islington Avenue and Rutherford Road), Rainbow Creek Park (PDF) (Highway 7 and Highway 27) and Jean Augustine District Park (PDF) (Bathurst Street and Centre Street).

Ask your question below:

  • Share would it be possible for some land close to or in the conservation area near Kortrighte to be available for monthly/anually rent (as is in Montreal in a park near the stadium) -a win-win situation where the city makes money without increasing the taxes and some citizens could experiment with a little organic farming-so necessary and relevant for all of us-as families (an opportunity to teach the little ones how to grow from scratch), to socialize, to spend time in air virtually free of pollution, as seniors-to prevent isolation and provide the chance to improve and preserve mobility and flexibility with an aim to lead a healthier life (think reducing the costs with medication, hospitalization, the burden on the caregivers). Of course, this is just an example of a location-it can be replicated wherever fertile land could be offered for renting. on Facebook Share would it be possible for some land close to or in the conservation area near Kortrighte to be available for monthly/anually rent (as is in Montreal in a park near the stadium) -a win-win situation where the city makes money without increasing the taxes and some citizens could experiment with a little organic farming-so necessary and relevant for all of us-as families (an opportunity to teach the little ones how to grow from scratch), to socialize, to spend time in air virtually free of pollution, as seniors-to prevent isolation and provide the chance to improve and preserve mobility and flexibility with an aim to lead a healthier life (think reducing the costs with medication, hospitalization, the burden on the caregivers). Of course, this is just an example of a location-it can be replicated wherever fertile land could be offered for renting. on Twitter Share would it be possible for some land close to or in the conservation area near Kortrighte to be available for monthly/anually rent (as is in Montreal in a park near the stadium) -a win-win situation where the city makes money without increasing the taxes and some citizens could experiment with a little organic farming-so necessary and relevant for all of us-as families (an opportunity to teach the little ones how to grow from scratch), to socialize, to spend time in air virtually free of pollution, as seniors-to prevent isolation and provide the chance to improve and preserve mobility and flexibility with an aim to lead a healthier life (think reducing the costs with medication, hospitalization, the burden on the caregivers). Of course, this is just an example of a location-it can be replicated wherever fertile land could be offered for renting. on Linkedin Email would it be possible for some land close to or in the conservation area near Kortrighte to be available for monthly/anually rent (as is in Montreal in a park near the stadium) -a win-win situation where the city makes money without increasing the taxes and some citizens could experiment with a little organic farming-so necessary and relevant for all of us-as families (an opportunity to teach the little ones how to grow from scratch), to socialize, to spend time in air virtually free of pollution, as seniors-to prevent isolation and provide the chance to improve and preserve mobility and flexibility with an aim to lead a healthier life (think reducing the costs with medication, hospitalization, the burden on the caregivers). Of course, this is just an example of a location-it can be replicated wherever fertile land could be offered for renting. link

    would it be possible for some land close to or in the conservation area near Kortrighte to be available for monthly/anually rent (as is in Montreal in a park near the stadium) -a win-win situation where the city makes money without increasing the taxes and some citizens could experiment with a little organic farming-so necessary and relevant for all of us-as families (an opportunity to teach the little ones how to grow from scratch), to socialize, to spend time in air virtually free of pollution, as seniors-to prevent isolation and provide the chance to improve and preserve mobility and flexibility with an aim to lead a healthier life (think reducing the costs with medication, hospitalization, the burden on the caregivers). Of course, this is just an example of a location-it can be replicated wherever fertile land could be offered for renting.

    Sorina asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for providing an example of how this is done in Montreal. We will pass this information along to the appropriate staff to investigate further. The City of Vaughan has a Community Gardens program and one location where residents are allotted a plot of their own is at Sugarbush Heritage Park in Thornhill. Currently, this is the only location with this governance structure, yet it requires no rental fee, disqualifying this program as a revenue source. The City is currently working to expand the number of community gardens in each ward and is open to the potential to fundraise as part of this program.

  • Share Does the City have any land that they could develop for commercial leasing? on Facebook Share Does the City have any land that they could develop for commercial leasing? on Twitter Share Does the City have any land that they could develop for commercial leasing? on Linkedin Email Does the City have any land that they could develop for commercial leasing? link

    Does the City have any land that they could develop for commercial leasing?

    Guido asked over 1 year ago

    No. At this time, all the City’s holdings have been acquired for future public use. No commercial leasing opportunities are being explored.

  • Share Has the City given any thought to including some retail spaces within our community centres/ other public buildings (Tim Hortons, Starbucks, etc) to help off-set operating/ other costs? on Facebook Share Has the City given any thought to including some retail spaces within our community centres/ other public buildings (Tim Hortons, Starbucks, etc) to help off-set operating/ other costs? on Twitter Share Has the City given any thought to including some retail spaces within our community centres/ other public buildings (Tim Hortons, Starbucks, etc) to help off-set operating/ other costs? on Linkedin Email Has the City given any thought to including some retail spaces within our community centres/ other public buildings (Tim Hortons, Starbucks, etc) to help off-set operating/ other costs? link

    Has the City given any thought to including some retail spaces within our community centres/ other public buildings (Tim Hortons, Starbucks, etc) to help off-set operating/ other costs?

    Guido asked over 1 year ago

    Yes. The City currently has facilities that include retail spaces that generate revenue, such as City Hall and Sports Village. Future opportunities that complement City programming and user experience can be explored. Businesses are encouraged to register as vendors on the City’s Bids and Tenders page to be notified of future opportunity listings. Alternatively, you can submit proposals anytime by emailing

  • Share How about a City of Vaughan lottery? on Facebook Share How about a City of Vaughan lottery? on Twitter Share How about a City of Vaughan lottery? on Linkedin Email How about a City of Vaughan lottery? link

    How about a City of Vaughan lottery?

    Guido asked over 1 year ago

    Although the City of Vaughan is a qualified donee according to the Canadian Revenue Agency (an organization/municipality that can issue official donation receipts for gifts it receives from individuals and corporations), the City is not permitted to conduct charitable gaming events, including lotteries, to generate revenue from the public for City events, programs or services, under the regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

  • Share What about a City of Vaughan Auction where businesses/ services can be donated to the City and people could bid on them? You could set the minimum starting price. Could be a new espresso machine to a new condo or house? on Facebook Share What about a City of Vaughan Auction where businesses/ services can be donated to the City and people could bid on them? You could set the minimum starting price. Could be a new espresso machine to a new condo or house? on Twitter Share What about a City of Vaughan Auction where businesses/ services can be donated to the City and people could bid on them? You could set the minimum starting price. Could be a new espresso machine to a new condo or house? on Linkedin Email What about a City of Vaughan Auction where businesses/ services can be donated to the City and people could bid on them? You could set the minimum starting price. Could be a new espresso machine to a new condo or house? link

    What about a City of Vaughan Auction where businesses/ services can be donated to the City and people could bid on them? You could set the minimum starting price. Could be a new espresso machine to a new condo or house?

    Guido asked over 1 year ago

    Any in-kind donations made to the City – whether solicited or unsolicited – in support of food banks, toy drives or animal shelter donations, for example, are accepted when appropriate and allocated to a specific program, event or charity.  

  • Share Create a memorial items list for residents who would like to plant a tree(s), a bench, donate to civic art/ streetscaping, donate to a capital project (put a brick on the wall in a community centre - this is similar to what they did at Pier 1 in Halifax). etc in memory of someone. on Facebook Share Create a memorial items list for residents who would like to plant a tree(s), a bench, donate to civic art/ streetscaping, donate to a capital project (put a brick on the wall in a community centre - this is similar to what they did at Pier 1 in Halifax). etc in memory of someone. on Twitter Share Create a memorial items list for residents who would like to plant a tree(s), a bench, donate to civic art/ streetscaping, donate to a capital project (put a brick on the wall in a community centre - this is similar to what they did at Pier 1 in Halifax). etc in memory of someone. on Linkedin Email Create a memorial items list for residents who would like to plant a tree(s), a bench, donate to civic art/ streetscaping, donate to a capital project (put a brick on the wall in a community centre - this is similar to what they did at Pier 1 in Halifax). etc in memory of someone. link

    Create a memorial items list for residents who would like to plant a tree(s), a bench, donate to civic art/ streetscaping, donate to a capital project (put a brick on the wall in a community centre - this is similar to what they did at Pier 1 in Halifax). etc in memory of someone.

    Guido asked over 1 year ago

    In addition to the Incoming Sponsorship and Donation Policy that outlines programs and events available for sponsorship or accepting donations, the City also has a Naming of City Parks, Open Spaces, Community Facilities and other Municipal Buildings and Properties Policy (PDF) that outlines how residents can submit a name designation in honour of an individual or group for a bench, public park, street, facility, building or property. Through the City’s Parks, Forestry and Horticulture Operations department’s Green Guardians environmental stewardship program, Corporate Tree Planting events and Tree and Bench Dedications generate alternative revenue for the City. 


    Donations of public art or art inventoried in the City’s Corporate Art Collection, along with donations of cultural property, including, but not limited to, Vaughan Archives, fall outside of the scope of revenue generation and within an arts and heritage mandate of the City. 

  • Share I am opposed to adding any more sign pollution to our already visually polluted neighborhoods - especially digital billboards. They are visually distracting, create light pollution, add to greenhouse gas emissions (unnecessary waste of electricity). On top of that it does not seem like they generate all that much revenue ($133k/yr/sign). I would rather pay $2 more on my property taxes than be bombarded with more visual pollution when I leave my house! How can I voice my displeasure with this idea besides having to attend the community center meeting? Suggest you set up an on-line voting option where residents can vote on the idea. on Facebook Share I am opposed to adding any more sign pollution to our already visually polluted neighborhoods - especially digital billboards. They are visually distracting, create light pollution, add to greenhouse gas emissions (unnecessary waste of electricity). On top of that it does not seem like they generate all that much revenue ($133k/yr/sign). I would rather pay $2 more on my property taxes than be bombarded with more visual pollution when I leave my house! How can I voice my displeasure with this idea besides having to attend the community center meeting? Suggest you set up an on-line voting option where residents can vote on the idea. on Twitter Share I am opposed to adding any more sign pollution to our already visually polluted neighborhoods - especially digital billboards. They are visually distracting, create light pollution, add to greenhouse gas emissions (unnecessary waste of electricity). On top of that it does not seem like they generate all that much revenue ($133k/yr/sign). I would rather pay $2 more on my property taxes than be bombarded with more visual pollution when I leave my house! How can I voice my displeasure with this idea besides having to attend the community center meeting? Suggest you set up an on-line voting option where residents can vote on the idea. on Linkedin Email I am opposed to adding any more sign pollution to our already visually polluted neighborhoods - especially digital billboards. They are visually distracting, create light pollution, add to greenhouse gas emissions (unnecessary waste of electricity). On top of that it does not seem like they generate all that much revenue ($133k/yr/sign). I would rather pay $2 more on my property taxes than be bombarded with more visual pollution when I leave my house! How can I voice my displeasure with this idea besides having to attend the community center meeting? Suggest you set up an on-line voting option where residents can vote on the idea. link

    I am opposed to adding any more sign pollution to our already visually polluted neighborhoods - especially digital billboards. They are visually distracting, create light pollution, add to greenhouse gas emissions (unnecessary waste of electricity). On top of that it does not seem like they generate all that much revenue ($133k/yr/sign). I would rather pay $2 more on my property taxes than be bombarded with more visual pollution when I leave my house! How can I voice my displeasure with this idea besides having to attend the community center meeting? Suggest you set up an on-line voting option where residents can vote on the idea.

    VaughanTaxPayer asked over 1 year ago

    The City’s Sign By-law 140-2018 (PDF) has requirements that regulate how signs like digital billboards can operate and includes restrictions to deter visual distraction. Per the by-law, the digital billboards the City has in operation display static copy (content that remains still as a fixed image for a set period of time). Each message is displayed for 10 seconds at a time, allowing for passing traffic to see only one at a time, on average, with seamless transitions. 


    The City’s Sign By-law also includes measures to reduce light pollution. The digital billboards currently in operation are equipped with LED technology, including modern brightness controls and configured with dual redundant photocells, which are capable of sensing ambient light and intuitively managing the output brightness even in the event of a hardware failure. The current digital billboards, and any future ones, must strictly conform to all relevant codes and regulations. For more information, read the Digital Billboard FAQ document.


    We can assure you that your comment will be included in the public record alongside feedback collected at the Open Houses. The City of Vaughan is working with an external engagement consultant to collect all the feedback received during the public consultation phase. Public feedback will be captured in a report to Council with suggested recommendations on how to proceed. Vaughan Council will make the final decision informed by this report. If you wish to remain updated on the progress of the program, you can also sign up to receive email updates.


  • Share Create more commercial opportunities within larger parks to allow specific retail/ services to operate and generate revenue for the City. on Facebook Share Create more commercial opportunities within larger parks to allow specific retail/ services to operate and generate revenue for the City. on Twitter Share Create more commercial opportunities within larger parks to allow specific retail/ services to operate and generate revenue for the City. on Linkedin Email Create more commercial opportunities within larger parks to allow specific retail/ services to operate and generate revenue for the City. link

    Create more commercial opportunities within larger parks to allow specific retail/ services to operate and generate revenue for the City.

    Guido asked over 1 year ago

    The City doesn’t currently have commercial retail services in our parks and open spaces. However, staff are exploring commercial opportunities, where space allows, to generate revenue in larger parks. The City will post these opportunities on the Bids and Tenders page when available. Businesses are encouraged to register as vendors to be notified when such opportunities arise. Alternatively, you can submit proposals anytime by emailing 

  • Share Is the discussion specifically on the proposed digital billboards or are you also seeking public opinion on additional alternative funding ideas? on Facebook Share Is the discussion specifically on the proposed digital billboards or are you also seeking public opinion on additional alternative funding ideas? on Twitter Share Is the discussion specifically on the proposed digital billboards or are you also seeking public opinion on additional alternative funding ideas? on Linkedin Email Is the discussion specifically on the proposed digital billboards or are you also seeking public opinion on additional alternative funding ideas? link

    Is the discussion specifically on the proposed digital billboards or are you also seeking public opinion on additional alternative funding ideas?

    pcamaro asked over 1 year ago

    Both! We are seeking public feedback on alternative revenue generation initiatives, including the proposed digital billboards, and welcome additional alternative funding ideas.  

  • Share What about giving residents/ businesses the ability to name a new street for a set fee? on Facebook Share What about giving residents/ businesses the ability to name a new street for a set fee? on Twitter Share What about giving residents/ businesses the ability to name a new street for a set fee? on Linkedin Email What about giving residents/ businesses the ability to name a new street for a set fee? link

    What about giving residents/ businesses the ability to name a new street for a set fee?

    Guido asked over 1 year ago

    The City has a Street Naming Policy (PDF), which includes Street Naming Procedures outlining how new streets are named. Per the policy, “the gifting or auctioning of a street name is permitted, provided the proposed street name satisfies the Street Naming Procedures for approval.” The policy doesn’t outline a set fee or provide specific guidance on how the money collected may be used to generate alternative revenue for City programs and services.