VMC Secondary Plan Update
About the VMC
The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is the City’s emerging downtown and central business district; it is poised to be the financial, innovation and cultural centre of the City, with a vibrant sense of place, and a high-quality public realm linked by a network of parks, public squares and open spaces. The VMC will be a complete and balanced community encompassing different built form typologies, and a mix of uses – including residential, office and retail – that are transit supportive and pedestrian friendly.
The City is undertaking an update to the VMC Secondary Plan (VMCSP) to address provincial and regional policy updates, and to respond to the rapid growth that is putting pressure on realizing the vision for a vibrant and balanced downtown. The VMCSP Update will address all the elements needed for the successful growth of Vaughan’s downtown, including new roads; bike paths; pedestrian walkways; new open spaces and parks; land use, height and density permissions; and key infrastructure requirements.
The VMCSP Update will ensure future growth is co-ordinated and in sync with the improvements needed to support living, working, visiting, and playing in Vaughan’s downtown. The VMCSP update will result in a renewed policy framework that supports the completion of a downtown and central business district as a complete community that is well supported by municipal services and social infrastructure to 2051 and beyond.
Public and stakeholder feedback is vital to the success of the VMCSP Update. In 2020, the City kicked it off by collecting input on the issues, strengths and opportunities in the area. In 2021, residents were able to learn more about those findings and provide further feedback. In 2022, preferred land use options were shared, and residents could envision what the future VMC may look like.
Phase 3 consultation: Thank you to everyone who attended the Open House on Sept. 14, 2023, and for contributions submitted to the online comment form and the digital forums, which were live from Sept. 14 to 27, 2023. Learn more about what we heard during phase three by reading this engagement summary (PDF).
Phase 2 consultation: Thank you to everyone who participated in the Open House on May 24, 2022 and the series of digital forums that were live from May 25 to June 14, 2022. Input provided will help City staff further refine the priorities of the public. Learn more about what we heard during phase two by reading this engagement summary (PDF).
About the VMC
The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is the City’s emerging downtown and central business district; it is poised to be the financial, innovation and cultural centre of the City, with a vibrant sense of place, and a high-quality public realm linked by a network of parks, public squares and open spaces. The VMC will be a complete and balanced community encompassing different built form typologies, and a mix of uses – including residential, office and retail – that are transit supportive and pedestrian friendly.
The City is undertaking an update to the VMC Secondary Plan (VMCSP) to address provincial and regional policy updates, and to respond to the rapid growth that is putting pressure on realizing the vision for a vibrant and balanced downtown. The VMCSP Update will address all the elements needed for the successful growth of Vaughan’s downtown, including new roads; bike paths; pedestrian walkways; new open spaces and parks; land use, height and density permissions; and key infrastructure requirements.
The VMCSP Update will ensure future growth is co-ordinated and in sync with the improvements needed to support living, working, visiting, and playing in Vaughan’s downtown. The VMCSP update will result in a renewed policy framework that supports the completion of a downtown and central business district as a complete community that is well supported by municipal services and social infrastructure to 2051 and beyond.
Public and stakeholder feedback is vital to the success of the VMCSP Update. In 2020, the City kicked it off by collecting input on the issues, strengths and opportunities in the area. In 2021, residents were able to learn more about those findings and provide further feedback. In 2022, preferred land use options were shared, and residents could envision what the future VMC may look like.
Phase 3 consultation: Thank you to everyone who attended the Open House on Sept. 14, 2023, and for contributions submitted to the online comment form and the digital forums, which were live from Sept. 14 to 27, 2023. Learn more about what we heard during phase three by reading this engagement summary (PDF).
Phase 2 consultation: Thank you to everyone who participated in the Open House on May 24, 2022 and the series of digital forums that were live from May 25 to June 14, 2022. Input provided will help City staff further refine the priorities of the public. Learn more about what we heard during phase two by reading this engagement summary (PDF).
Preferred option for land use designation - join the conversation
by Mae Caldarelli, over 1 year agoShare Preferred option for land use designation - join the conversation on Facebook Share Preferred option for land use designation - join the conversation on Twitter Share Preferred option for land use designation - join the conversation on Linkedin Email Preferred option for land use designation - join the conversation link2 ResponsesCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Land use
Land use informs how blocks and areas within the study area will develop. Different land use designations allow for a range of activity and a balanced community.
Neighbourhoods are primarily residential with compatible uses located in each quadrant. These areas have lower densities and heights to ensure there is a variety of built form and character.
Mixed Use (Non-Residential Requirement)
Mixed use incorporates both residential and commercial uses. This requirement is satisfied by including office, retail, services, institutional and cultural uses.
Non-residential Mixed Use
Non-residential mixed use areas expand permitted uses in existing employment precincts to include retail uses. They also establish a buffer to Highway 400 and industrial uses.
Parks and Open Spaces
The parks and open spaces are identified as per the VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan and serve as a vital network to meet the recreational needs of VMC residents.
What do you think of the land-use designation identified as the preferred option?
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Preferred option for mixed-use non-residential requirement - join the conversation
by Mae Caldarelli, over 1 year agoShare Preferred option for mixed-use non-residential requirement - join the conversation on Facebook Share Preferred option for mixed-use non-residential requirement - join the conversation on Twitter Share Preferred option for mixed-use non-residential requirement - join the conversation on Linkedin Email Preferred option for mixed-use non-residential requirement - join the conversation linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The vision for the VMC is to create a Downtown and Central Business District. The preferred option includes a non-residential requirement on certain mixed use blocks to ensure there is a real mix of employment and residential uses.
Non-residential Requirement
The mixed use non-residential requirement ranges between 11.5% to 19% based on proximity to transit and the core area along Millway Avenue and Highway 7. The mixed use non-residential requirement also corresponds to areas with higher densities and heights.
The non-residential requirement will help ensure a minimum balance of uses within the VMC. There is flexibility in how this requirement is fulfilled, including various uses such as office, retail, services, institutional, cultural and community uses.
What do you think of the mixed-use non-residential requirement identified as the preferred option?
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Preferred option for maximum density - join the conversation
by Mae Caldarelli, over 1 year agoShare Preferred option for maximum density - join the conversation on Facebook Share Preferred option for maximum density - join the conversation on Twitter Share Preferred option for maximum density - join the conversation on Linkedin Email Preferred option for maximum density - join the conversation linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Density refers to how many buildings and people are in one area. It can also be defined as the amount of building gross floor area (GFA) relative to the site area. It is measured as floor space index (FSI). For example, a building with twice the amount of GFA as site area would be 2.0 FSI.
Maximum Density
Density is highest nearest the subway and transit stations and mixed use areas along Millway Avenue and Highway 7 in the core area.
Land uses farther away from the core have lower densities.
Densities also correspond with land use designation. The highest densities are mixed use areas with a non-residential requirement, while the lowest densities are associated with the Neighbourhood designation to create areas of different character.
What do you think of the maximum density identified as the preferred option?
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Preferred option for retail - join the conversation
by Mae Caldarelli, over 1 year agoShare Preferred option for retail - join the conversation on Facebook Share Preferred option for retail - join the conversation on Twitter Share Preferred option for retail - join the conversation on Linkedin Email Preferred option for retail - join the conversation linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Retail refers to areas or spaces designated for businesses that sell goods or services directly to consumers, such as stores and shopping centres. Retail plays an integral role in creating a complete community at the local scale, as well as a city-wide destination.
Meeting Needs and Animating Places
Retail, service commercial, community facility or other public uses have an important role in meeting the needs of VMC residents and animating streets and public spaces.
Millway Avenue is envisioned as the VMC’s main street, running through its core. It will become a destination for retail, commercial, and community and public uses.
Elsewhere, the preferred option uses retail and other active uses to animate the frontages of parks, mews and streets to create inviting environments hospitable to pedestrians.
Destination level retail in the core along Millway is complemented by retail deeper within the quadrants, improving local access to retail and other amenities for VMC residents.
What do you think of the retail identified as the preferred option?
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Preferred option for civic facilities - join the conversation
by Mae Caldarelli, over 1 year agoShare Preferred option for civic facilities - join the conversation on Facebook Share Preferred option for civic facilities - join the conversation on Twitter Share Preferred option for civic facilities - join the conversation on Linkedin Email Preferred option for civic facilities - join the conversation linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Community facilities are essential to creating a complete community for local residents and a downtown for all of Vaughan. They will include community recreation facilities, libraries, cultural facilities and performing arts venues.
Community Facilities
Community facilities with a city-wide and regional draw are focused on Millway Avenue, anchoring this iconic Vaughan destination with great access to the subway and regional transit stations. Community facilities with a local draw are located deeper within the quadrants to improve local access.
There are elementary school sites (S2-S6) in each quadrant and one high school site (S1) located in the northwest quadrant. Elementary school sites are located centrally in the quadrant and are located farther from the 400-series highways where possible. Urban-format schools are being explored by the school boards.
What do you think of the civic facilities identified in the preferred option?
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[CLOSED] To what degree should office development be a priority in the VMC?
by Mae Caldarelli, over 2 years agoShare [CLOSED] To what degree should office development be a priority in the VMC? on Facebook Share [CLOSED] To what degree should office development be a priority in the VMC? on Twitter Share [CLOSED] To what degree should office development be a priority in the VMC? on Linkedin Email [CLOSED] To what degree should office development be a priority in the VMC? linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The VMC will be the City’s central business district and a significant employment hub. Office development will be an important part of fulfilling that vision. However, to date, there is more interest in residential development than office development.
To what degree should office development be a priority in the VMC?HERE ARE THE OPTIONS:Option 1: Allow office development in much of the VMC, but require it as a part of new development in a limited area.Option 1 maintains the densities (i.e. the amount of development permitted on a site) from the current secondary plan and maintains a requirement for office uses in a limited area around the subway station. Option 1 also maintains the employment lands along the east and west boundaries of the VMC, which permit a wider range of employment uses.What does this mean?- Option 1 permits employment throughout the VMC.
- Option 1 provides a wider range of permitted employment opportunities throughout the VMC.
- Option 1 would likely result in stand-alone office and employment buildings.
- Option 1 would likely result in a modest amount of office employment relative to the number of people living in the VMC.
Option 2: Increases density permissions in exchange for office developmentOption 2 extends the requirement for office development over a much larger area and increases the permitted densities (i.e. the amount of development permitted on a site) to encourage office development. Option 2 replaces the “Employment” lands from Option 1 with mixed-use development with the goal of creating additional areas for employment.What does this mean?- Option 2 creates a focus on office-type employment.
- Option 2 results in more office development throughout the VMC.
- Option 2 results in a mix of stand-alone office buildings and buildings with integrated office space (i.e. office space as well as other uses such as residential, retail, community uses, etc.).
WHAT DO YOU THINK?- To what degree should office development be a priority in the VMC?
- Should offices be stand-alone buildings or integrated into mixed-use development (i.e. buildings that also contain residential, retail, community uses, etc.)?
- Should employment be located more broadly throughout the VMC to disperse employment opportunities? Or should it be concentrated around transit stops?
- What do you think is more important for a downtown – less jobs but more diversified employment types? Or more jobs and a concentration on office-type employment?
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[CLOSED] Where should retail be located?
by Mae Caldarelli, over 2 years agoShare [CLOSED] Where should retail be located? on Facebook Share [CLOSED] Where should retail be located? on Twitter Share [CLOSED] Where should retail be located? on Linkedin Email [CLOSED] Where should retail be located? linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Retail, which also includes restaurant and commercial uses (e.g. hairdressers, dry cleaners, etc.), is an important component in delivering vibrancy, activity and convenience to city living. Millway Avenue will be the VMC’s primary retail street.
Where else should retail be located within the VMC?
Option 1: Retail is extended into the VMC’s neighbourhoods
In Option 1, in addition to required retail along Millway Avenue, local retail is recommended to extend into other parts of the VMC (i.e. the sub-areas within the VMC divided by Jane Street and Highway).
What does this mean?
- Millway Avenue is a destination retail area.
- Option 1 creates focused areas for shopping.
- Option 1 creates a more local focus for retail which extends into other parts of the VMC improving close and convenient access for residents and workers.
Option 2: Retail is concentrated along Millway Avenue and Highway 7
In Option 2, Millway Avenue continues to be an important focus for retail. Highway 7 is also recommended to become a retail corridor, creating a new stretch of retail that runs through the centre of the VMC.
What does this mean?
- Millway Avenue continues to be a primary retail focus.
- Highway 7 is encouraged to become a retail street.
- Local retail will be concentrated within key focus areas to create a continuous and connected retail experience.
- Should retail be concentrated at the core of the VMC as a shopping destination? Or should it be dispersed to provide vibrancy within the VMC neighbourhoods?
- Highway 7 is a busy arterial road. Is it the right place for retail or is retail on quieter streets preferred?
- Do you like the idea of having retail available within a 5-minute walking distance from anywhere in the VMC? Or do you like clustered retail in key corridors to provide a continuous shopping experience instead?
- What types of retail would you like to see in the VMC?
- What types of retails uses – including restaurant and commercial uses – do you think are important to help provide vibrancy? Activity? Convenience?
- Should certain types of retail be permitted in some areas, and not in others?
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[CLOSED] Where should civic facilities be located?
by Mae Caldarelli, over 2 years agoShare [CLOSED] Where should civic facilities be located? on Facebook Share [CLOSED] Where should civic facilities be located? on Twitter Share [CLOSED] Where should civic facilities be located? on Linkedin Email [CLOSED] Where should civic facilities be located? linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Civic facilities, which includes community centres, libraries, recreational facilities, as well as cultural facilities, such as performance venues, museums, galleries and arts spaces, are an important component in the delivery of community services, as well as creating an identity for the downtown.
Where should civic facilities be located within the VMC?
Option 1: Civic facilities are concentrated along Millway Avenue
Option 1 concentrates these civic facilities along Millway Avenue. These facilities may be incorporated into development (i.e. residential or mixed use buildings), or may be standalone buildings.
What does this mean?
- Civic facilities will be located along Millway Avenue.
- Millway Avenue will be the cultural destination of the VMC.
Option 2: Civic facilities are dispersed across the VMC
Option 2 takes a dispersed (“hub-and-spokes”) approach to the placement of civic facilities, where City- or region-serving facilities will be located along Millway Avenue, and local-serving facilities will be located within each quadrant (i.e. the sub-areas within the VMC divided by Jane Street and Highway 7) to improve local accessibility. These facilities may be incorporated into development (i.e. residential or mixed use buildings), or may be standalone buildings.
What does this mean?
- Civic facilities will be located throughout each quadrant (i.e. the sub-areas within the VMC divided by Jane Street and Highway 7).
- Millway Avenue will continue to be a cultural destination.
- Local accessibility to smaller facilities will be improved for residents.
- Is it important to have a cultural destination in the VMC? Or does it make more sense to spread out facilities within each quadrant (i.e. the sub-areas within the VMC divided by Jane Street and Highway 7)?
- Do you think these civic facilities should be closely located to parks? Schools?
- What should these facilities look like? Standalone buildings? Or incorporated into development (i.e. residential or mixed use buildings)?
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[CLOSED] What should the VMC look like in the future?
by Mae Caldarelli, over 2 years agoShare [CLOSED] What should the VMC look like in the future? on Facebook Share [CLOSED] What should the VMC look like in the future? on Twitter Share [CLOSED] What should the VMC look like in the future? on Linkedin Email [CLOSED] What should the VMC look like in the future? linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Do you have other thoughts about the options? What should the VMC look like in the future? Did we miss anything?
Share and discuss here.
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[CLOSED] What do you like about the VMC today?
almost 4 years agoShare [CLOSED] What do you like about the VMC today? on Facebook Share [CLOSED] What do you like about the VMC today? on Twitter Share [CLOSED] What do you like about the VMC today? on Linkedin Email [CLOSED] What do you like about the VMC today? linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre is supported by a transit mobility hub which includes the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Subway Station and the SmartVMC Bus Terminal. Additional public amenities are opening soon in the VMC. The opening of the Centre of Community Building (PwC-YMCA tower) in 2021 will feature a Vaughan Public Library branch and a YMCA with a not-for profit daycare, performing arts studio and community kitchen.
The VMC Downtown Under Construction video showcases Vaughan’s growing and evolving downtown by highlighting the progress made in the VMC over the past year; what has been, and is being built, as well as the various cultural events that have taken place through 2019 and 2020.
What do you like about the VMC today? Which amenities do you most enjoy?Don't forget to also share your ideas on which additional amenities should be considered!
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Key dates
September 14 2023
September 14 → September 27 2023
September 14 → September 27 2023
September 14 → September 27 2023
September 14 → September 27 2023
September 14 → September 27 2023
September 14 → September 27 2023
Phase 1: Review of Background and Issues
VMC Secondary Plan Update has finished this stageReview of existing policies and background reports to understand opportunities and challenges for the VMC.
Phase 2: Prepare and Develop Options
VMC Secondary Plan Update has finished this stageDevelop and evaluate built form (the function, shape and configuration of buildings) and land use options, including the option to expand the boundary of the Secondary Plan area.
Phase 3: Recommend a Preferred Framework
VMC Secondary Plan Update has finished this stageRecommend and present a preferred option and framework for the VMC.
Phase 4: Develop the Draft Secondary Plan
VMC Secondary Plan Update is currently at this stageDevelop a draft of the updated Secondary Plan for the VMC.
Phase 5: Final Implementation of the VMC Secondary Plan Update
this is an upcoming stage for VMC Secondary Plan UpdatePresent an updated VMC Secondary Plan to Council.
Who's listening
Email Gaston.Soucy@vaughan.ca -